It is now generally recognized that Business continuity planning and disaster recovery planning are vital activities. However, the creation of (and maintenance of) a sound business continuity and disaster recovery plan, is a complex undertaking, involving a series of steps.
Prior to creation of the plan itself, it is essential to consider the potential impacts of disaster and to understand the underlying risks: these are the foundations upon which a sound business continuity plan or disaster recovery plan should be built. Following these activities the plan itself must be constructed - no small task. This itself must then be maintained, tested and audited to ensure that it remains appropriate to the needs of the organization. And what about the support infrastructure and services?

A sound disaster recovery / business continuity plan is essential to protect the well being of an organization. This cannot really be over emphasized... yet many enterprises still side step the issue or hold plans which are clearly out of date or inadequate.
ComNets Consulting can help you to generate a well planed business continuity & disaster Recovery plan, just give us a call and our experts will start working for you.